Foods to Avoid While Taking Cymbalta

Foods to Avoid While Taking Cymbalta

 · 4 min read

Foods to Avoid While Taking Cymbalta


If you are on Cymbalta (duloxetine), you know it is used in treating many health issues. As a patient, it is vital to know about food and drug interactions while using this medication. Right? This understanding may save you from nasty side effects and ensure it works well.

Let’s look at the different foods and substances to skip when on Cymbalta. We will also touch on drug interactions, supplement and herbal mix-ups, and other factors that matter. Bear in mind that everyone is unique, so you should talk to your doctor before making big changes.

Foods to Avoid While Taking Cymbalta

Some foods and drinks aren’t a good match with Cymbalta. What are they? Let’s find out.


It is safer to avoid alcohol if you are on Cymbalta. Why? Because alcohol may magnify some drug side effects and may even lead to harmful interactions.

Combining alcohol with Cymbalta could cause:

  1. More drowsiness or tiredness
  2. Increase in depression symptoms
  3. Greater risk of liver damage

What could happen if you mix alcohol and Cymbalta?

  1. You could feel dizzy.
  2. You might vomit or feel sick.
  3. Your thinking or moving could be affected.


Keep tabs on how much caffeine you take. It may not directly interact with the drug, but it may impact Cymbalta’s efficacy and worsen side effects.

So, what does caffeine do to Cymbalta?

  1. Boost anxiety level which might hinder Cymbalta’s soothing effects.

How do you manage your caffeine intake?

  1. Drastically cut down on tea, coffee and energy drinks.
  2. Keep a daily record of caffeine intake.
  3. If you need to drink less caffeine, reduce it bit by bit.

Effects on High Blood Pressure

Cymbalta belongs to a group called SNRI (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor). It may push up your blood pressure. Patients with high blood pressure or history concerns should be closely watched by their healthcare provider while on Cymbalta. Your doctor may suggest medication adjustments due to possible complications.

High-Tyramine Foods

Even though Cymbalta isn’t a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI), eating high-tyramine foods might stir up negative interactions. Although studies have not shown strong evidences to support this.

Relationship between MAOI and Cymbalta:

  1. Though Cymbalta isn’t an MAOI, it’s better to avoid excessive intake of high-tyramine foods if possible.

List of high-tyramine foods to avoid:

  1. Old cheeses
  2. Smoked or dry meats
  3. Pickled vegetables
  4. Fermented soy foods like soy sauce and tempeh
  5. Sauerkraut

Let’s get more details from the table below:

Substance to avoidWhy avoiding them matters
AlcoholGreater risk of side effects and liver damage
CaffeineCould lead to more anxiety or lessen Cymbalta’s effects

Drug Interactions with Cymbalta

Interested in knowing the drugs that may clash with Cymbalta? Let’s find out. Remember to let your doctor know all drugs you take now or plan to take, to avoid interactions.

Mental Health Medications

Mixing Cymbalta with other mental health drugs may increase problems and side effects. Below are some examples:

  1. Antidepressants like fluoxetine (Prozac) or sertraline (Zoloft) and tricyclic antidepressants like amitriptyline
  2. Mood balancers
  3. Anxiety medicines

What complications and side effects could occur?

  1. More risk of serotonin syndrome, leading to disturbance, fever, and fast heart rate
  2. Anxiety or mood-related side effects may increase

How to manage drug interactions?

  1. Consult your doctor about all medicines that you may be taking. 
  2. Do not self medicate

Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

NSAIDs may not work well with Cymbalta. It could hike the risk of side effects and problems.

Possible risks and side effects:

  1. Ulcers or stomach bleeding could occur
  2. Existing kidney or liver issues could get worse

How to manage this interaction:

  1. Speak to your doctor before mixing Cymbalta with any NSAIDs
  2. Be careful when using NSAIDs for long or in large doses along with Cymbalta


Amphetamines may not mix well with Cymbalta. More side effects and problems may occur.

What are the risks?

  1. More risk of side effects like faster heart rate, anxiety, and disturbance
  2. One or both medicine may not be as effective

Tips for managing this interaction:

  1. Discuss all drugs, including those based on amphetamine, with your health provider before you start Cymbalta
  2. Keep an eye on your response to both drugs and quickly report any odd signs to your health provider

Supplement and Herbal Interactions with Cymbalta

You need to know how supplements and herbs can interact with Cymbalta. So, always discuss all vitamins and minerals you’re taking with your doctor.

Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

No specific reports yet on vitamin or mineral ties with Cymbalta. Still, it’s safer to discuss all vitamins and minerals with your healthcare provider.

Herbal Supplements

Remember, some herbs may not mix well with Cymbalta. So, let your doctor know all herbal products you are taking. Below, we have more details in our table.

Herb to avoidWhat happens when mixed with Cymbalta
St. John’s WortGreater risk of serotonin syndrome or less effective Cymbalta
KavaPotential rise in liver toxicity

Some tips on safe herbal usage:

  1. Talk to your doctor about all herbal supplements you take or plan to take
  2. Monitor your reaction to any herbal supplement used along with Cymbalta

Here’s a brief of what we just discussed:

SupplementsRisks due to potential interaction
Vitamin and mineral supplementsNo known specific interactions; always talk to a healthcare provider
Herbal supplementsRisk of serotonin syndrome or liver toxicity

Other Factors Affecting Cymbalta Interactions

Vaccination status, laboratory tests, and health history can influence how Cymbalta interacts.


There are no known clashes between Cymbalta and vaccines. However, always speak with your doctor about vaccines during your Cymbalta treatment.

Lab Tests

As far as we know, there’s no tie between Cymbalta and lab tests. But, what if you need a lab test while on Cymbalta? Discuss with your doctor.

Health History Considerations

Your health history can affect how Cymbalta works. So always tell your doctor about your health past before you start Cymbalta. Things to consider include:

  1. Pregnancy or plans to conceive
  2. Liver or kidney disease
  3. Heart or blood vessel conditions
  4. High blood pressure (hypertension)
  5. Seizure disorders like epilepsy

Take a look at this summary table:

FactorWhat to consider during Cymbalta treatment
VaccinesNo known interactions; talks to a healthcare provider
Lab testsNo known interactions; discuss with a healthcare provider
Health historyInform your doctor about pregnancy, breastfeeding, liver or kidney disease, heart conditions, hypertension, and seizure disorders.

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